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Spring Decor

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nutella-Banana Popsicles

Yes, it is raining popsicles at Badal's residence :) I made a few different kind(flavors and ingredients) of popsicles and so far liked this 'banana mixed with nutella' and some mango bits in is suppa-fantab-yummilicious (coining new words after tasting it), you may also come up with some new adjectives after tasting it, I can bet :)

Over ripe bananas on the counter is a sad story in almost every household. It really makes me cry :( Most of us end up making banana sheera, buns, cake or milkshake(maybe). Now I have found a new way to use it up! Yes, Popsicles!! and trust me it tastes amazing.

Nutella is a universally loved hazelnut cocoa spread... kids absolutely love it along with us adults! So this combination is simply deadly. I also went ahead and added chunky bites of ripe mango in it, it blends in the taste really nicely! And more so it makes a lovely looking popsicle too :) Beauty with the Swad(taste) kinda thing going on there hehe

Let us quickly take a look at this recipe:

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 tbsp thick plain yogurt
  • 2 tbsp nutella spread
  • 2 tbsp mango cut in chunky bites ( optional)
  • handful of crushed almonds (optional)

  • Blend all the ingredients except mango, almonds.
  • Pour this mixture in the popsicle molds filling it up to 3/4 of the mold and add few mango chunks in it. Close the lid and let it chill for few hours until it sets.
  • Place the popsicle molds in the warm water for a few seconds to smoothly get it out or keep under the running water for a few secs.
  • Njoy it in the hot weather by dipping in crushed almonds....
You may also enjoy watermelon-berries popsicles.

njoY! happY cookinG!!

recipe is adapted from prettysimplesweet blog.

Health Benefits: Banana is high in potassium and low in sodium content, which may help protect your cardiovascular system. Carrots may get all the glory for helping your eyes, but bananas do their share as well. The fruits contain a small but significant amount of vitamin A, which is essential for protecting your eyes. Bananas may not be overflowing with calcium, but they are still helpful in keeping bones strong. They also do not contain enough fat or protein to be a healthy meal on their own, or an effective post-workout snack.

Nutella is a hazelnut-chocolate spread similar to peanut butter but with a sweeter flavor. Though the spread contains saturated fat and sugar, it also supplies a good amount of key vitamins and minerals that you need for good health. The hazelnuts in Nutella might also boost the health of your heart, making it a fairly nutritious food to occasionally incorporate into your healthy eating plan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Must try this soon!! I am a nutella freak, can eat whole jars of them without using them in any recipe, must use them to try these yummy icy pops in this weather!!!


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